Changing the ADA stake pool in Daedalus
If you are reading this article you have already delegated some stake to a particular staking pool and you want to change it. Otherwise see the article “How to delegate, stake your ADA?”.
Note: After delegating or changing.
- Open Daedalus.
- Click middle icon on the left menu to go to “Delegation center”.
- Move mouse over (hover) to the current wallet. On hover “Redelegate” button should appear bellow current pool ticker to which you are delegating ([APP] on the image). Click “Redelegate”
4. Delegate wallet popup dialog should open.
5. See “How to delegate, stake your 0ADA?” article subtitle “Delegate your ADA” from point 3 on. The steps are the same; except you should select the new pool.
Extended FAQ: The golden Cardano FAQ
This article comes as it is with no guarantees. Use at your own good judgement.
Who are we?
- Website:
- Ticker: APP
- Pool fee: 2%
- Twitter:
- Blocks: 3,000+ blocks, Delegated: 6,000,000,000+ ADA delegated over time, Distributed: 2,5 million ADA
- Article on our pool architecture
- Cardano projects visualizations, creators of Pools geolocation browser
Providing secure staking rewards for institutions and individuals. Delegate & Forget.
Let us know if you find any mistakes.
Happy staking,